Tuesday, January 4, 2011

All in fertility

I really had not given the details of everything since I found out I had a bicornuate/ septate uterus.   I figured for those other 0.05 - 0.1% of women who have this and those of you that would like an update, I would go into detail a little more.  My OB/GYN had me go to a reproductive endocrinologist after the discovery of my 'heart-shaped' uterus.  A very nice doctor here in Akron, Dr. Moretuzzo sat me in his office and gave me the list of testing that was to begin:
  1. Hormone Blood Draw: To make sure that my hormones were actually stimulating my body to do what it is supposed to do.
  2. Hysterosalpingogram (HSG):  This test involves radioactive die that is injected into your uterus and fallopian tubes.  This will give them a better view of the shape of my uterus as well as if there are any problems with my fallopian tubes.
  3. Renal Ultrasound: Huh?  You are probably wondering what this is for.  25% of women with a Mullerian Anomoly on their uterus will also have a renal issue - one kidney, bladder malformation, malformation of one kidney...you get the picture.
  4. Sperm Count: Thank goodness Paul had to do something.  I feel as if I am always having one test or another, what with MS and now this fertility stuff, it was nice to share.  :)
Today I followed up with the Reproductive Endocrinologist, all testing answers were to be revealed.  At this point I was ready to throw in the towel of this whole idea of having a child.  I mean, I felt like I have just had a little too much time spent in doctors office in the past year and almost every appointment I have had, had bad results...so I was not counting on much.  That way is much easier, then I am not so disappointed with bad news.  I also was able to drag my husband with me, he hates doctors appointments and he feels very awkward, but I managed.

Dr. Moretuzzo came out to the lobby to meet us, I always enjoy that personal touch - it makes you feel a little more cared for, and pulled us into his office.  He opened my thick folder (gotta love health issues) and started to tell us the results.
  1. The blood draw was fine, I have the right levels of hormones and thyroid levels, things are where they are supposed to be.  (YAY!!!!)
  2. The HSG (which btw was the most painful procedure I have ever had).  Showed that I have a bicornuate/ septate uterus (which we knew), but I could actually look at it and see it.  It is a more severe separation than he had hoped for.  This means that if I become pregnant (which is more difficult), I will have around a 50% chance of miscarrying.  However, since we know about my uterus shape already, he can do some things as a precaution to prevent a miscarriage.  I also have a blocked fallopian tube, which he said could be from some endometriosis - explaining the crazy cramps and periods that I have.  This also adds a problem, I am only ovulating out of one side.
  3. The renal ultrasound came back completely normal (thank goodness for small wins).
  4. The sperm count was a little interesting, although Paul's numbers are great - he has some issues with the shape of them.
Dr. Moretuzzo explained that the next step is for me to start Clomid (which is a drug that causes your ovaries to make eggs), sperm cleaning (where they pick only his best guys) and then they inject them into me on my most fertile day.  This improves chances by around 50%, especially because they will make sure that I am ovulating on the side that can reach the uterus. If I have a miscarriage then we will have laproscopic surgery to look around at everything.  If my uterus only has a septum (which they cannot tell yet), they can actually remove some of it so that my shape is more normal.  If I am bicornuate (which means there are distinct halves), there is little that they can do.  He would also be able to look at my tube and see if there was anyway to repair it.  However, that surgery is not always successful, so I am a little hesitant to think that will be an option.

Ok, so what does this all mean...well hope.  It means that there is still a small glimmer that I can get pregnant and a small glimmer that it will be successful.  I will take a small glimmer, that is more than I have had in a while and something to lift some of the weight I have been carrying around.


KimZ said...

Hope is a marvelous thing.

Hmmmmm, and I always though Paul seemed a bit... square. :-)

Love ya both.

erin said...

hey!...that IS hopeful!...

thank you so much for sharing...i know it's a private thing...

i'm impressed that your doctor came out to greet you...veeeeery nice!

and yes, the hsg is painful...but it's so short! - now that whole childbirth thing, not so short - you'll see! - i really believe that! xoxo

Have Myelin? said...

Hmmmm....let that little bit of glimmer shine on! This is exciting!

allanjel said...

Stay the course as you always have = follow your heart and do what you feel is best for you. It is your health, not the docs or anyone elses.

I don't know why but the part about Paul having to finally do something really made me laugh :)Thanks.